In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Norman Dunbar 

Hi Norman,

That is really helpful.

I will take the risk at some time of setting up a dual boot system.

As you say Windows XP first, then a Linux distribution to follow.

An article on this in QLToday would be useful to other users too.

>Evening Malcolm,
>> Umm ... that does seem anticlimatic ... :-) ... you mean the Linux
>> installation just detects what space it has the potential to use and
>> just installs itself there ?
>Most Linux distributions these days happily locate an empty partition on
>your disc, and prompt you to install there. However, you do get other
>options such as :
>* Wipe the entire hard disc and use all of it.
>* Resize the Windows partition and use the freed space.
>My last install was the former - due to Windows eating my Linux root
>partition. Now gone forever on this laptop!
>My first ever install was a dual boot with Windows 98. I had to defrag
>the windows D drive to get all the free space at the end. Then the
>installer allowed me to resize the Windows partition non-destructively.
>I then installed Mandrake 7 (I think) into the freed up space. They
>advise you run Windows chkdsk after that just to be sure.
>The best way to dual boot with any flavour of Windows is simply to make
>sure Windows is installed first - hopefully leaving you with a free
>partition or otherwise. Regardless, Linux will cope.
>Doing it the other way around is fraught with danger. Windows, all
>versions, believes it has a god given right to be the only OS on the
>computer, and doesn't bother to note that you may already have data - it
>takes over the entire drive without so much as a by your leave.
>Windows XP is also redesigned to make dual booting much much more
>difficult, so, best advice is this :
>* Run XP or 2000 rather then XP.
>* Install Linux last of all - it's easier and linux accepts that other
>OSs may exist.
>Have fun.

Malcolm Cadman
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