From: Francois Lanciault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know I have the demo disk, with some images and the binary code to display them. ... I will email you the files when I find time to do it.
Thanks Francois for nice message with history of your driver, it reminds me the enthusiasm I also had writing the display driver. That's hard to describe. I am looking forward for your files.
If I remember well my images were not as striking as yours.
We have different possibilities today.

To convert the image, I did it the hard way... At the time I had no other computer than the QL. And there was no internet, so to speak. So I got a few PC disk with public domain image encoded in GIF. I then wrote a complete from scratch GIF decoder that output to the appropriate two mode 8 screens format. That was my first big programming project on the QL.
That's really nice story. Your work deserves credits for pioneering of the dithvide on QL! It's really pitty that this method was not explored deeper in the past. During the years it could evolve who knows how.
I have not seen this GIF decoder on my floppies since a long time. I am afraid it is 
on some 720k 5 1/4" floppy and I don't have the drive to read those anymore.
It should not be so difficult to get the drive... :-0
Anyway thanks for bringing back those memories.
You're welcomed, it was nice reading.
From: sinclairql <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Hi Resolution Colour Graphics on a Standard QL

Another cuestion:
this code will run whit a RGB TTL monitor?
Absolutely, as you can see it my QL is connected to Commodore 1084
The 1084 or 1084S are TTL monitors?
1084 is monitor with both inputs. see:
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