In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Malcolm Cadman wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

I retired from work two weeks ago so I hope to rekindle my interest so far I have not had time ( I'm still a few weeks off full recovery from mitral valve replacement) If Roy reads this then I should explain that due to my retirement and not having full knowledge of what value my pensions will be ( thankyou bankers ) I did not renew my subscription to QLWorld, but hopefully when the dust settles funds will allow me to resubscribe.

All the best - Bill
 Hi Bill,
I hope that you do get fit again. And that you enjoy your retirement. Your pensions should hold up, as it is the beginning of a recession ... future pensions may suffer more.
 You have always made a good contribution to this List.
 Where would the nearest User Group meeting be for you now ?

Thanks for the thoughts Malcolm I'm fit enough and my local health care group are pretty good, in fact most of my time seems to be taken up seeing people who want to keep me healthy. The nearest group would be the group that meet around Edinburgh somewhere ( is it Thornhill or Livingstone?) not much further than I used to go to Newcastle I think. I've often thought about going up there but never really had the time to go, now I'm retired I might make it.

All the best - Bill

Hi Bill,

That all seems very positive.

I know what you mean about Health, as I have not been well myself recently; and I have undergone an operation from which I am now recovering.

I do hope you are be able to get to a User Group convenient to where you live, even if it not that regular.

When we meet in the London Group, we seem to discuss "Life, the Universe and Everything" ..... :-) ... which is all a part of the benefit of face to face Meetings. Also having a common interest.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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