In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

George Gwilt wrote:
 On 22 Oct 2008, at 19:53, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

To kick the debate off ... how many people are regularly attending at Quanta Group local meetings ?

 The Scottish Group is pretty small, but pretty regular.

The North East Group died out a few years ago, I still read this list and fire up QPC now and then.

I retired from work two weeks ago so I hope to rekindle my interest - so far I have not had time ( I'm still a few weeks off full recovery from mitral valve replacement) If Roy reads this then I should explain that due to my retirement and not having full knowledge of what value my pensions will be ( thankyou bankers ) I did not renew my subscription to QLWorld, but hopefully when the dust settles funds will allow me to resubscribe.

All the best - Bill

Hi Bill,

I hope that you do get fit again.  And that you enjoy your retirement.

Your pensions should hold up, as it is the beginning of a recession ... future pensions may suffer more.

You have always made a good contribution to this List.

Where would the nearest User Group meeting be for you now ?

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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