You'll need the Cygwin distribution to provide the Linux-like
Be careful, it can be a huge download of 50MB with 6,478 files to
install as I found to my cost...oh to know what I'm doing with Linux
and Cygwin :-((
Downloading everything by the sound of it!

Go on, give it a go, then you can tell me what I'm doing wrong...
Back to the drawing board I think...Only 36,195 files to uninstall!
Ok, Cygwin as far as I remember gives you the opportunity to do a
download only and to save the files in a given location. That is the
best option. It doesn't install anything.
It creates a multitude of entries in the START menu, which the installer doesn't uninstall.

The "Uninstaller" leave about 1,900 files on your system.

Do a full download (which I managed to do by mistake overnight - clicking on 'Default' 'Install' 'Reinstall' and 'Uninstall' in the installer is so sluggish it's gone many times round each option) it installed the whole lot overnight instead of uninstalling it (OK, my fault, I should have checked...).

Bit of an eye opener realising it installed 3.31 GB of files, including 182,779 separate files (I promise I am not exagerating...). More to the point, Phoebus lists 6 essential files. Only 5 of these were in the COMPLETE installation, cygZ11-6.dll is not there and googling this file finds it come up time and time again as a problem, but interestingly nobody ever mentions a solution, they just tell you to "reinstall".

I'm wondering if cygz11-6.dll is in a developer version or in in an archived file which has to be user-expanded after download or something?

Actually, the mailing list archive shows a message from Stephen Meech on this list back in 2004 with this exact problem. If Stephen is still on the list, can you let me know how you resolved the problem? It looks like it won't be possible to use Win-UQLX until this issue is resolved...or somebody can tell me where I went wrong. Actually, very interestingly, after realising I'd accidentally downloaded the whole lot I had a go at starting a cygwin bash shell and oops it failed with a message about a missing font. Dear oh dear oh dear...

I'm assuming you have downloaded everything under the sun as you have so
many files to delete (simply go into the C drive and delete (shift
delete) the cygwin directory - that's about the easiest way to delete it.)
I tried the official uninstall until I realised that it had left about 1900 files on the hard disk. Then shift-delete got rid of the rest.

You should have only selected the "stuff you need" but that's half the
problem. Unless the UQLX files mention the bits of Cygwin that you need
- how do you know?
Just base and x-org (or x11).

Off the top of my head, you probably need the C and/or C++ development &
runtime files plus the base system and all of X (or XORG these days?).

You need the development stuff to compile UQLX and the X/XORG files to
run it in a graphical environment.
Didn't want to recompile it...just wanted to run the thing!

Dilwyn Jones

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