I would like to compile the last version of SMSQ/E. I downloaded the sources, 
read all the manuals and HowTo's, installed dev_rext to be able to use dev 
device in QDos... And now I need either QMAC or some information about how to 
compile the sources in GWASS.
I could not find anything about QMAC: where/how to get/purchase/download/buy 
it, and how much it cost.... Nothing.
What about GWASS, I just found that it is possible to compile SMSQ/e with it, 
but how??? The 'make' programm suplied with the sources is used by either 
make_bas and smsqmake, and requires QMAC. And I didn't understand how to load 
all these '_link' files in GWASS.
Please, help me. :(

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