Hi Bob,

I have checked the settings in the config screen and both the Resolution and Window Mode are the same - 512 X 384 and it doesn't seem to make any difference whether I run with Window Mode ticked or not, I get the same result. Similarly, when QPC2 opens up it is a small window in the middle of the screen. If I leave this alone, I can still see that the top border is missing OR if I maximise this window using the icon at the top right of the window, then the image fills the screen but still with the top border missing.

One thought is that as I have utilised the whole screen 512 X 256 with bordered windows, it may be that the cursor is trying to get to the bottom of the screen and is causing the whole screen to scroll by one line thus pushing the top border off the screen. If this is the case, how would I correct this? Would I have to reduce the bottom window by 1 pixel or by 10 pixels (one character height)? or just play with it and see?

Thanks for your suggestions - I'm getting to the stage of making some suggestions for myself but they are not printable!! :-(


John G. (Frustrated!)

Bob Spelten wrote:
Op Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:54:01 +0200 schreef John Gilpin

This routine runs perfectly on my Aurora/SGC set-ups in either QDOS -JS Roms - or SMSQ but when I run the same boot in QPC2 v3.34 beta 3,I tend to lose the top and both side borders completely and just havevarious horizontal lines across the screen.

My PC is running WINDOWS VISTA home premium with service pack 2.

One reason for this to happen might be found outside the SBasic.
If the Resolution and Window Mode as configured in the SMSQ/E startup menu
are not equal, then lines of pixels may be lost or doubled because the
Resolution is stretched or shrunk to fit the Window Mode.
This can also happen if you start up with equal values in windowed mode
but switch to full screen with C/S/F12 or QPC_MAXIMIZE. Especially on
LCD/laptops this may look ugly.


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