In message <>, Martyn Hill <> writes

Hi Martyn.

I know that LRUN works fine, in Boot links, as I use it successfully to chain a number of smaller Boot files; rather than one long one. As well as making choices to go to differing options.

Maybe MRUN runs out direction after a "merge" somewhere in your Boot ?

Or maybe it is just a "line number" problem ?

Hi again

Could anyone say whether the behaviour that I'm seeing when using MRUN in a running SBASIC prog is expected?

As part of my initial SB boot prog, I include an MRUN statement that successfully merges some useful SB definitions (only).

I expect the boot prog to continue to execute the next statement, but it simply stops after merging the DEFs.

I'm running this in QPC. Is this expected behaviour? I read in the manual that MRUN in a program _should_ continue with the next runnable statement in the program.

Martyn Hill

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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