Just to close off my original request, I have now successfully
recompiled C68 (as XTC68) under Open Watcom C Version 1.8 and MinGW
(Minimalist GNU for Windows) GCC 3.4.5. The latter version is useful
because it integrates very well with the MinGW environment and allows
MinGW Make to be used to build QDOS C projects in exactly the same way
as C/C++ projects for Win32.

MinGW is here: http://www.mingw.org/

It wasn't quite as simple as just recompiling, unfortunately. I did
find a couple of very well hidden bugs that caused memory faults in
the as68 assembler and qld linker. I don't think these would ever have
showed up before because of the environments that I was compiling
under. I have also fixed some really trivial things like missing
function prototypes and type casts (the things that throw warnings
when compiling that distract you from spotting _real_ problems).

As the principal aim (for me) of compiling the XTC68 version of C68
was to integrate with the MinGW environment, using MinGW Make, I have
renamed some of the tools to avoid clashes with the equivalent GCC
tools. The versions compiled under Watcom retain their original names.

Tool            Watcom Name     MinGW Name
~~~~            ~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~~~
Assembler       as68            qas
Compiler        c68             qc
Front End       qcc             qcc
Linker          qld             qld
Pre-Processor   qcpp            qpp
Make Utility    make            qmake

Additionally, in keeping with the 'Unix-like' environment that MinGW
provides, the MinGW tools work with object files with a .o extension
while the Watcom tools (for use under vanilla Win32) use .obj

Current status:

Component       Working         Not Working
~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~         ~~~~~~~~~~~
qas.exe         MinGW, Watcom
qc.exe          MinGW, Watcom
qcc.exe         MinGW, Watcom
qld.exe         MinGW, Watcom
qmake.exe       MinGW           Watcom (haven't got around to it yet)
qpp.exe         MinGW, Watcom

As soon as I get the time I will also build the SROFF Library Manager
(slb) which will complete the toolset.

As a test I used the MinGW versions to compile and link version 1.11
of the Shell and am pleased to report that everything worked
perfectly, producing a QDOS executable that (once its header was
restored) ran perfectly under QPC2.

If anyone is in the least bit interested in these tools I am happy to
make the updated sources and executables available.

Acknowledgements and thanks to Dave Walker (the true Guardian and Guru
of C68) for all of his work in maintaining the original sources.



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