gdgqler wrote:
> $23 is qa.tan2

Only in SMSQ/E, but not Minerva

> $25 and $27 are not there

They're available in Minerva, but not SMSQ/E

> $2F increases the stack by 4, not 2

$2F is Minerva only and as I see it, it does increase by 2

> $32 returns PI

SMSQ/E only again.

With all the different OS and release versions it's difficult to keep
everything in sync.

> 2. Page Section 16 15
> For vector SB.INIPR A4 is altered on return

As far as I see, the register is saved before the call. Or is it a
QDOS bug?

> QPTR Manual
> 1. Page 60
> In IOP.RPXL it seems that A1 is not preserved.

This was fixed in later PE releases and SMSQ/E.


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