Marcel Kilgus wrote:

With all the different OS and release versions it's difficult to keep
everything in sync.

As you say. I too have a number of "corrections", but no longer know whether they apply or not, as there were so many intermediate versions.


sms.sevt (trap #1, $3a) A0+ all preserved. My notes says HBA 3.04 smashed!

iob.elin (trap#3, $4) was a terrible mess. I wrote to TT about it and he agreed, but I dont know it was ever fixed

Theres more, but this is perhaps not the time/place.. Would be great if "someone" were to take on to edit these manuals. Perhaps the simplest for now would be for that someone to compile an Errata database and maintain it in some public place on the web?

2. Page Section 16 15
For vector SB.INIPR A4 is altered on return

As far as I see, the register is saved before the call. Or is it a
QDOS bug?

QPTR Manual

1. Page 60
In IOP.RPXL it seems that A1 is not preserved.

This was fixed in later PE releases and SMSQ/E.

Last time I checked iop.rpxl wasnt working at all!

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