Tony Firshman wrote:
Daniele Terdina wrote, On 22/02/10 00:20:

I am trying to use a QDOS formatted 1440 sector QL disk under Qemulator.
Hi Tony, to use floppy disks reliably, please upgrade to Q-emuLator 2.5 (uninstall your current version from Control Panel, then install 2.5 from, your existing registration code will continue to work), it has very important fixes related to floppy disks (a major bug was introduced after version 2.0, and fixed in 2.5). If you still have problems or crashes with version 2.5, I'll be happy to investigate.

In general, trying to format disks on the PC (with the emulator) like you did is the recommended strategy... in my experience it's easier for QL disk drives to read floppy disks freshly formatted on the PC than it is for the PC drive to read old QL disks formatted by Miracle/Cumana/etc. cards...
Yes I guessed that. It may simply be that the Miracle disks I have are 720k, or only managing to format to 720k.
Will try the new version.

This formatted to something like 2760/2880.
Odd as the USB drive and disk are HD.

This part looks fine to me. A HD floppy contains 1.4MB of data, equivalent to 2880 512-byte sectors.

A DD floppy contains 720KB of data, or 1440 sectors;
Ah silly - of course.  It is so long since I used QL floppy disks (8-)#

Thanks for the instant response,


I have had some real problems since using a USB disk drive - Q-emuLator normally fails to format DD disks, but so does QPC2 - QPC2 seems to check the disk and then take ages to start formatting it as though it times out! Q-emuLator seems to cope better with a disk which has been previously PC formatted - whereas trying to reformat a QL disk is nigh impossible.

I have a later version of Q-emuLator, as Daniele knows :-)

Good job I have some original QL disk drives around here!

Rich Mellor
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