Dilwyn Jones wrote, On 22/02/10 19:08:

Thankyou Geoff - that is great - could you add a link to your website
please as a reminder.

It is a shame not to see you adding your valued input to this list

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
Oops, forgot that link in my first email. It is:

Choose option 1 from the menu for the Spreadsheet transfer.

You are then invited to download a zipped plain text file of an article by Geoff.
I have read Geoff's document and it makes no mention of QL Abacus ( and Xchange) issues with exporting. I need to export by column, as then Excel (importing by row and no way of changing that) will preserve the spreadsheet layout.

However the QL 'archive/abacus' export only outputs data if the first column cell is non blank. This looks like a bug to me. Is it cured in any versions of Xchange - mine is 3.90J?

All is OK if I put a blank row and fill it with any data.
If I then import from row 2 in Excel, then all looks fine.

Is there a way around this?
I have hundreds of files to export so this is a real pain.

Incidentally there is no need at all to modify the files to give an extension. Simply leave the _exp there, and load files in Excel as type *.* .


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