Hi everyone,

greetings from sunny Finland. I recently found my old QL in my
father's attic and am going to put in some quality retrocomputing
time. It's great to see that there are still people active around this
piece of hardware.

I would appreciate any help or hints on a hardware problem... After
the machine warms up the display starts to degrade especially near the
bottom of the screen. It seems that the bottom fifth of the picture is
not stable and there is a definite skew to the picture. Also, the
colours are a bit off. I found the service manual online and managed
to get some spare parts from Rich @ RWAP Services (wonderful service,
by the way!). Specifically, I changed IC 22 and IC 28 (the 8301 ULA
and the MC1377P). That didn't help so now I'm thinking maybe I should
swap the relevant capacitors (C23, C24, C25) as per the service
manual's suggestion.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any ideas on what to try next?

By the way, I was amazed that the microdrives worked and I was able to
load stuff from the cassettes...

Thanks in advance for any help :)

Best regards,
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