> From: Gennaro Montedoro <genny_fl...@yahoo.it>
> To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
> Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Hello and a question
> Message-ID: <429866.15184...@smtp114.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> Are you using RGB output or RF output?
> Gennaro

Hi Gennaro,

I'm currently using the RF output but I ordered a converter board from
Jammaboards to be able to hook the RGB output to a VGA monitor so that
should help isolate the problem. Well, actually I won't be needing the
TV output anymore if the converter board works as advertised but it
would be nice to be able to fix the problem anyway.

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