Thanks for the pointers, Dilwyn. And by the way, your web site is
absolutely marvellous, a treasure trove of information! I think I will
try the SCART connection just to see if I get a better picture and
also to see if the picture changes when the QL warms up.

I must say, 25 years ago  I couldn't appreciate how advanced QDOS was
for the time (multitasking, pipes etc). Then again, the local computer
stores over here didn't carry the necessary books to learn all of that
stuff and ordering them from abroad was a nightmare so it was next to
impossible to find out about the inner workings of the machine. Last
week, I managed to purchase a copy of "The Sinclar QDOS companion" - I
wish I had had that book all those years back :)


On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Dilwyn Jones
<> wrote:
>> I'm currently using the RF output but I ordered a converter board from
>> Jammaboards to be able to hook the RGB output to a VGA monitor so that
>> should help isolate the problem. Well, actually I won't be needing the
>> TV output anymore if the converter board works as advertised but it
>> would be nice to be able to fix the problem anyway.
>> Petri
> Does your television have a SCART/Peritel connector? While you wait for the
> RGB converter board and take time to experiment with it, you might be able
> to get a slightly better picture via the SCART/Peritel connection to the
> television if you have suitable plugs (QL 8-pin DIN plug and a Peritel or
> SCART connector for the TV)
> There's an article about how to do this on my website at:
> Tony Firshman (TF Services) has in the past supplied me with a ready-made
> suitable lead for the QL. I forget the price, although I think it was about
> 10 or 12 pounds plus our Value Added Tax (VAT). For me, anyway, this type of
> connection didn't give as good a picture as a proper monitor connection, but
> it was better than the RF picture.
> There is also the possibility of getting a second-user QL monitor.
> Microvitec in England have some refurbished QL monitors, according to a
> member of this list in March this year - the contact email address given was
> sales AT microvitec DOT co DOT uk . They have TTL-compatible LCD displays,
> though these cost a thousand pounds or more, and also have some of their old
> QL monitors.
> And I guess that both eBay and Rich Mellor's "Sell My Retro" sites might
> have QL monitors from time to time too.
> Dilwyn Jones
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