From: "Dilwyn Jones" <dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:59 AM
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Today...

Does anybody remember what was up Today 10 years ago?


Cheers, Urs
Ah, the hive of activity at QL 2000 at the Horizon Centre IIRC. That really was a Quanta event to remember!

At least it took my mind off Wales losing 4-1 at soccer to the Swiss the other night, Urs.... :-(

It is interesting to reread Colin Baskett's report on the forum at QL2000:


Children: Arnould Nazarian was arguing strongly for a £100 computer aimed at children with good graphics capabilities.

Schools: SuperBasic was a good way of teaching programming skills, but we could not break into the educational system. (Interesting how this topic came up this year in the "Future of the QL" thread.)

The elderly: Well, we have plenty of wrinklies now, but that is not what was meant. Four years later a trader opined on this list that UK QL-ers were too old and decrepit to make the journey to Eindhoven for QL2004. I offered to ask Sin_QL_Air to lay on zimmer frames and nurses. He approved of the latter but not the former.

PS Malcolm: Any chance of a Stannah Lift at the church hall for those ancient Quanta committee members?

Loyalists: It was thought that few enthusiasts for other systems would be interested in the QL, but since that time a few speccies have taken an interest. And how many of you knew that Ed Milliband was a former speccie games geek?

Tinkerers/Programmers: Largely based around the ease of QL programming although one brave soul ventured the opinion that Visual Basic was as easy to program as the QL.

Migrants: Now that's a naughty word these days! In those days it meant trying to persuade PC defectors to come back to the QL. The weapon was to be a bootable CD containing an emulator. How many years did we have to wait for a QL on a stick?

New Users: A forlorn hope. Market was too small for hardware development, but still OK for software. One big problem was TK2, which was not available on PD emulator. Perhaps a help guide to QL jargon was necessary.


Accessibility: Both QDOS and SMSQ should be in the public domain. (This was a few years before the major licencing dispute.) Could Quanta negotiate or purchase SMSQ? Could source code be made available? Also proper documentation was essential. Questions were asked about the new colour drivers and if there were not more urgent priorities.

Software: Many programs were incompatible with SMSQ and all to often the authors could not be contacted - in some cases to contact them we would have needed a stairway to heaven. Quanta could have a role to play here (contacting authors - not building a stairway to heaven with or without a Stannah Lift) and perhaps could provide money if necessary. Also important to make clear which programs were PD and which not. Incompatibility between QDOS and SMSQ.


The need for the QL to have internet and email access dominated the show. The first email from a QL had just been sent and the future for QL internet access appeared promising especially for users of the then new Q40. However Jonathan Dent warned that there was much work to be done before working internet and email progams would be available for the QL. In spite of this some members left the hall claiming that we would all be emailing from our QLs the following Christmas.

Finally amomg other business was a moan that it was impossible to get hold of a QL - none had been advertised for about three years. Rich Mellor, where were you when we needed you?

Best Wishes,


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