I quote this list -

"Perhaps a help guide to QL jargon was necessary."

I have raised this several times here (and earlier in QUANTA*, with
suggestions as to how it *might*, be done). As far as I remember, there has
never been any response.

I'm still flying this banner* and, of course, am willing to dig around
(sweat) for a hole in which to firmly place it.  I have insufficient
knowledge/experience to provide items - but I might be able to stitch then
into a reasonable and helpful display!

Best wishes to all

John in Wales
Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an article sometime?

There is a glossary of sorts (originally published in QL Today a few years ago)on my website at http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/docs/articles/index.html (12th item down on that page). I can't remember what the content was and how out-of-date it's likely to be by now.

Dilwyn Jones

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