On 18 Nov 2010, at 11:01, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

> John Hitchcock wrote:
>> Dilwyn said (15th October) :-
>> "Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which
>> cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an
>> article sometime?"
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> I said:-
>> I'm on to it!  Will report back.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Reporting Back
>> --------------------
>> I've waited to see if there are any further contributions to this (renamed)
>> thread.
>> Just Norman.  Thanks Norman.
>> To my mind, potential 'rej-oiners' to the QL World need a "catch-up-cache
>> [cuc]".Lurkers and others would also benefit.  I know, I'm one of them!
> I've made a start on this by sending "John in Wales" (John Hitchcock) my 
> Glossary_txt file with a request for him to add any other terms and between 
> us we'll try to "fill the gaps". Meanwhile, if anyone has suggestions of QL 
> terminology to add to the list to let John know so he can add the terms to 
> the list for me to write up when it's in a ready state.

The Glossary looks good as it is.

But might it be useful to include the names of the more commonly used programs, 
such as QD and TURBO?

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