Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 18/Nov/10 11:27 | Nov18:

In time, I'd like to build a beginners section (needs a bettername as it would be for "returners" too) on my website with articles like this and some of the more commonly asked questions (such as how to transfer files
between QL and other computers, unzipping etc etc). There are such
articles on there already, but a bit scattered and not easy enough to find.

Good idea! Covers all bases - beginners, less experienced users and returners.

Thanks, Tony.

Any more suggestions, anyone?

And what sort of topics might such a section include - at the moment I'm thinking in terms of :

File transfer
expanding a basic QL
contact points (e.g. Quanta, Rich Mellor, QL Today...)
boot programs
pointer environment
operating systems - QDOS versions, Minerva, SMSQ/E...
Essentials to start with... (adding disk systems, adding toolkit 2, etc) Emulators and "real" QLs compared - how to choose which is right for you and so on.

A lot of this type of material is already there but needs pulling together a bit better into a "Basics" section. A new year resolution for me perhaps. Hopefully I'll be a bit less busy in the new year!

Dilwyn Jones

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