On 18 Nov 2010, at 11:01, Dilwyn Jones wrote:

John Hitchcock wrote:
Dilwyn said (15th October) :-

"Could someone (or you, even, John) put together a list of words which
cause difficulty and I could try to put something together as an
article sometime?"

I said:-

I'm on to it!  Will report back.

Reporting Back
I've waited to see if there are any further contributions to this (renamed)

Just Norman.  Thanks Norman.

To my mind, potential 'rej-oiners' to the QL World need a "catch-up-cache [cuc]".Lurkers and others would also benefit. I know, I'm one of them!
I've made a start on this by sending "John in Wales" (John Hitchcock) my Glossary_txt file with a request for him to add any other terms and between us we'll try to "fill the gaps". Meanwhile, if anyone has suggestions of QL terminology to add to the list to let John know so he can add the terms to the list for me to write up when it's in a ready state.

The Glossary looks good as it is.

But might it be useful to include the names of the more commonly used programs, such as QD and TURBO?

I did suggest to John that he has a look at Rich Mellor's QL Wiki to see if there are terms on there we could add (both hardware and software).

Certainly, mentioning these commonly used major programs would be useful both for beginners and people returning to the QL after years away from the QL scene.

I'm a little wary of producing a glossary just by myself because I write about QL matters all the time, so it would be very helpful if less experienced QLers gave their input on the sorts of terms to include. In time, I'm sure Geoff and Jochen would willingly republish the expanded glossary in QL Today when it's had a good update (the glossary, not QL Today).

In time, I'd like to build a beginners section (needs a bettername as it would be for "returners" too) on my website with articles like this and some of the more commonly asked questions (such as how to transfer files between QL and other computers, unzipping etc etc). There are such articles on there already, but a bit scattered and not easy enough to find.

Another thing I want to do is get the existing Helpline articles from Quanta mag together onto a suitable page for members on the Quanta website, although the Quanta CMS, last I heard, was being updated with a few minor issues (don't know the details) preventing us updating the news pages, for example.

Now, madam Chairman, have I mentioned the word "Quanta" often enough in public here to earn a nice cup of tea at the next committee meeting???

Dilwyn Jones

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