On 27 Nov 2010, at 13:25, Norman Dunbar wrote:

>> This meets all Rich's requirements:
>> ----------
>> The rules are simple -
>> write out the values 1 to 100 on screen
>> If the value is divisible by 3 write 'FIZZ' after the number
>> If the value is divisible by 5 write 'BUZZ' after the number
>> If the value is divisible by 3 and 5 write 'FIZZBUZZ' after the number
>> ----------
>> Nothing about having to stop at 100 (8-)#
> But, I'm sure the request was for assembly language programs, not
> SuperBasic? Hence the subject line in this thread?
> Just a thought! ;-)

Probably correct. Though I wonder how many machines other than QL would allow 
Marcel's fantastic one lined SuperBASIC program to operate  immediately by 
typing in the line and then RUN.

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