En/Je/On 2010-11-27 16:33, gdgqler escribió / skribis / wrote : > I wonder how many machines other than QL would allow Marcel's fantastic one > lined SuperBASIC program to operate immediately by typing in the line and > then RUN.
Beside the QL, I use the following three machines, and all of them allow that: ZX Spectrum (1982): 1 FOR i=1 TO 100: PRINT i,"FIZZBUZZ"(1+4*(i/3-INT (i/3)>0) TO 4+4*NOT (i/5-INT (i/5))): NEXT i RUN Jupiter Ace (1982): : GO 101 1 DO I . I 3 MOD 0= IF ." FIZZ" THEN I 5 MOD 0= IF ." BUZZ" THEN CR LOOP ; GO SAM Coupé (1989): 1 FOR i=1 TO 100: PRINT i,"FIZZBUZZ"(1+4*(i MOD 3>0)TO 4+4*NOT i MOD 5):NEXT i RUN But there are many more -- in fact most old micros. I think it's sad we were able to do that with most micros of the 80's, while we certainly cannot with any modern computer. Nowadays we have to install a bloated and complex OS and a bloated and complex programming language in order to type one single command! That's one of the many reasons I love retroprogramming so much. I remember an excellent article I read some months ago, concerning this issue. Its title is "Why Johnny can't code": Original by David Brin: http://www.salon.com/technology/feature/2006/09/14/basic/ Reviewed by Kroc Camen: http://www.osnews.com/story/23464/Why_Johnny_Can_t_Code Marcos -- http://alinome.net _______________________________________________ QL-Users Mailing List http://www.q-v-d.demon.co.uk/smsqe.htm