Tony Firshman wrote:
Marcel Kilgus wrote, on 26/Nov/10 17:02 | Nov26:
Marcel Kilgus wrote:
1for i=1to 100
2a$="":if i mod 3=0:a$="FIZZ"
3if i mod 5=0:a$=a$&"BUZZ"
4print i,a$:next i

(91 bytes including 4 LF)

Damn, missed something:

1for i=1to 100
2a$="":if i mod 3=0:a$="FIZZ"
3if i mod 5=0:a$=a$&"BUZZ"
4print i,a$:next

(89 bytes including 4 LF)

2a$="":if i mod 3=0:a$="FIZZ"
3if i mod 5=0:a$=a$&"BUZZ"
4print i,a$:goto 1

82 bytes incl LF

and CTRL SPACE after 100.

This meets all Rich's requirements:
The rules are simple -
write out the values 1 to 100 on screen
If the value is divisible by 3 write 'FIZZ' after the number
If the value is divisible by 5 write 'BUZZ' after the number
If the value is divisible by 3 and 5 write 'FIZZBUZZ' after the number
Nothing about having to stop at 100 (8-)#



(It might take a little while...)

Lau AS! d-(!) a++ c++++ p++ t+ f-- e++ h+ r--(+) n++(*) i++ P- m++
ASC Decoder at<>

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