I would much rather see helpful messages that are progressive, reponsive and add character in a AI type of way especially when you you repeat mistakes in any one session for example;


Error: not found

Action: [LOAD WIN1_FRED_BAS] again
Error: still not found

There is a method of altering the SMSQ/E error message table, so you could have a cheeky QL like this... This got published soemwhere (QL Today) under the heading of "SMSQ/E error messages and what they REALLY mean".

0=No error occurred.
I think I'm a PC today, I don't need an error to crash.

What makes you think I intend to finish anything today, mate?

-2=invalid Job ID.
Multitasking attempted and failed disastrously.

-3=insufficient memory.
A good impersonation of a PC.

-4=value out of range.
You paid too much for this software.

-5=buffer full.
You don't seriously expect me to cope with that do you?

-6=invalid channel ID.
You close the window after writing to it, twit!

-7=Not found.
Your brain is not in gear.

-8=already exists.
You already did that, idiot.

-9=is in use.
One at a time PLEASE!

-10=end of file.
No more co-operation from me, mate.

-11=medium is full.
Tony Tebby and Marcel added too many things to this version.
or: Not the best attempt ever at FizzBuzz

-12=invalid name.
For some reason, the QL thought it was a (spit!) PC.

-13=transmission error.
Please buy some better communications software.

-14=format failed.
What made you think I'd format that heap of junk in my drive?

-15=invalid parameter.
Why don't you become a gardener rather than a programmer?

-16=medium check failed.
Since you didn't keep backups, I decided to destroy your only copy of this file.

-17=error in expression.
You swore, so I'm on strike.

-18=arithmetic overflow.
Buy a bigger microprocessor, or better software.

-19=not implemented.
Buy a later version of this software.

-20=write protected.
This is a master disk, I need help from the user to destroy it!

-21=invalid syntax.
Brain not in gear.

-22=unknown message.

-23: unknown error.
Reserved for describing the efforts of bad programmers.

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