On 30/01/2011 00:05, Timothy Swenson wrote:
On 1/29/2011 3:51 PM, Rich Mellor wrote:
With so much experience - maybe we should nominate Tim to the committee? !!

Nice Idea, but I think it will be a hell of a commute for me to attend any Quanta meeting. Even by phone, I'm 8 time zones away from the UK.

I've let my QL Today subscription lapse because it's been 3 years since I've sparked up any QL emulator (and longer for original system). I still have my QL stuff around and don't see getting rid of any time soon, since I might come back to it. After over 25 years, I've just come back to some ZX81 assembly programming. I've been tempted to dig into the garage and digitize all of the IQLR newsletters that I have.

Tim Swenson

QL-Users Mailing List

It was said in jest really Tim - although surely virtual meetings are possible...

It's a shame you have not kept up the QL Today subscription - maybe you could be persuaded it is worthwhile, just to keep a track of what is happening.

Have you signed up to the ZX80/ZX81 forums - some interesting things on there as well about assembly programming - www.rwapservices.co.uk/ZX80_ZX81/forums/

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services


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