On 08/02/2011 14:33, thorsten herbert wrote:
From: Plastic<plasticuser at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Game idea...
To: ql-users at q-v-d.com
Date: Tuesday, 8 February, 2011, 12:29
Ah yes, Elite... I struggled with
that a little bit. It was a defining game
that really altered the future course of gaming. I spent
many hours on my
friend's BBC model B trying to get the hang of it. On the
one hand it was a
trading game, and on the other, a 3D space combat game that
was accurate
enough to be a "sim"...

Was it written in 6502 assembly, or BBC BASIC V?


If I remember right this was the address:


Ahh, assembly... Not my competent area, unless it's on ARM.

Zarch, anyone? ;)

What's about BombJack? :-) I did a quck colour conversion to 8 colours from the 
original Arcade graphics. It could look much better with some dithering for 
example and the resolution does not fit. Just wanted to find out if somebody 
here would be interested. And, as said before ... if the Speccy could do it 
...cheers, Thorsten                                        
Hey, BombJack. Was that a port of Checkman? I wrote a version for the spectrum in basic using the scroll command. A very good game!


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