Ralf Reköndt wrote, on 22/Feb/11 17:47 | Feb22:
Tony Firshman wrote:

This Quad device is about the worst electrically if I remember
correctly. It was also pretty bad mechanically.

I don't think they realised how noisy the QL bus was when extended.

Seemed, I once had a QL with a very stable bus (english bare PCB one
with JS before). I put it into a little PC case and just had a backplane
connected via a ribbon cable to the QL's bus. Nothing else. No
buffering. No extra power supply.

And that worked with a full blown SQB with mouse port, a QEPIII and a
QFlash EPROM-card on its connectors simultanously without any problems.

Yes but with a std speed QL. I meant to say there would be issues with GC and SGC.

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