Evening John,

On 23/08/11 18:25, John Alexander wrote:
Time for booting in to Linux an creating images from your floppies with DD or 
similar. If nothing else the media must be quite old and doing so should 
preserve them!

Good advice. In case anyone is wondering, the command is:

dd if=/dev/floppy of=/quanta/UT01.flp bs=512 blocks=nnn

Where nnn is the number of sectors on the disc. So, it's 1440 for a 720KB and so on.

the 'of' parameter is the output file and is what you want to call the floppy image.

Linux cannot (yet) read a floppy image from a QL, but it is something I have to complete in due course. I hope.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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