Norman Dunbar wrote:

Just watched a video of Eben doing a presentation. At around 11:45 he mentions the "best email he has had" in which someone asked if they could have a Rasberry Pi with a QL emulator so that it could fit inside the old QL Case to make it look as if they were still running their old QLs.

Ok, confess, who was it? ;-)
Whoever it was, it can only be a good thing.

Actually, you could probably squeeze the RaspberryPi inside the QL somewhere (e.g. remove the MDVs) and have a dual standard QL - an original motherboard plus a RaspberryPi running Linux/uQLx in the same box...


Now I wonder if I should dig out the old £3 Tesco black keyboard and and see if a RaspberryPi would fit inside it somewhere (or perhaps behind or under it)

No end of possibilities!

Dilwyn Jones

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