Lee Privett wrote:

Well I hope so, even if you're not a QUANTA member but still a QL
enthusiast, I believe that every additional hint/quote/comment or thought
dropped on to the Raspberry Pi website forum or directly in an email to one of the people there adds the chance to get others on board in supporting the
QL and SuperBASIC being a noted part of this hardware, stimulating young
people all over the world in to the joys of QL programming. Incidentally I
have recently got a copy (finally) of Jan Jones' definitive guide (QUANTA
version) and found it takes a total of just over fours to read cover to
cover (2 hours on the plane going, 2 hours on the plane back) and found a
good quote I really liked, "SuperBASIC is a language designed by programmers
for programmers"
Well said, Lee.

I can't remember where I read it, but there's a fascinating story somewhere about Jan Jones and the history of SuperBASIC. It might have been either in Tony Tebby's articles in QL Today, or possibly in the Sinclair history articles on Chris Owen's Wordl of Spectrum Spectrum and QL site, where the implication was that had Jan Jones not been willing to write SuperBASIC largely in her own time (there's faith for you), it might never have seen the light of day in a QL from Sinclair, or at least not in its eventual released form. SuperBASIC in its day (and still is to a great extent) a wonderful BASIC interpreter for home computers and of course since then SBASIC has built on this to become a "Super-Duper BASIC" if you like.

Dilwyn Jones

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