On Jan 10, at 09:37 | Jan10, Ade Vickers wrote:

> Tony Firshman wrote:
>> On Jan 10, at 09:11 | Jan10, Ade Vickers wrote:
>>> Tony Firshman wrote: 
>>>> That reminds me of a shaggy dog story (slightly amended)  
>> as to why 
>>>> there was a dead person in the shower surrounded by empty shampoo 
>>>> bottles:
>>>> 1 Wet hair
>>>> 2) Apply shampoo and rub in
>>>> 3) Rinse
>>>> 4) Repeat
>>>> The dead guy was a QL programmer.
>>> Surely in that case the instructions would have needed to be:
>>> REPeat
>>>  Wet_Hair
>>>  Apply_shampoo_and_rub_in
>>>  Rinse
>>> END REPeat
>>> ?
>>> (line numbers ommitted because life's too short)
>>> Cheers!
>>> Ade. 
>> Pedant (8-)#
>> (Pot calling the kettle black).
> The sad thing is, I really had to rack my brains to remember the repeat/end
> repeat structure... It's been far too long since I used SuperBASIC in anger.
> But yes, it was a bit of a pedant call, sorry (is there a "sheepish grin"
> emoticon?)
;-) baabaa

I only commented really as I am usually the pedant.

      t...@firshman.co.uk     http://firshman.co.uk
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