In the process of bringing some of the resident extensions that I made
available back in the late nineties, I have come across some code that
interrogates the S*BASIC Name Table and lists entries filtered according
to their type. Two categories produce lists of resident procedures and
functions that are either built into QDOS or have been LRESPR'd.

The simple test applied in the original code is to see if the absolute
address of the routine has an absolute address < 0xC000. This works OK
for the plethora of QDOS ROMs out there (apart from, presumably, the
mythical Tyche) but it does not work with SMSQ under QPCII.

Does anyone know if there is a documented and reliable way of finding
out the address address range that any version of SMSQ has been loaded into?

Alternatively can anyone suggest a better way of performing the test?

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