I had similar thoughts about checking for the last name that SMSQ adds,
but it's not a solution that I'm happy with as it adds a lot of
(probably version specific) complexity, and I'm not even sure that it
would give the right result anyway.

I think the best answer is to check the OS version and simply report
"Not Implemented" if an attempt is made to use the command to list
"non-core" resident procedures under SMSQ, so that's the way I will go.

Thanks for your thoughts.


On 30/01/2012 17:24, George Gwilt wrote:
> On 30 Jan 2012, at 15:59, Norman Dunbar wrote:
>> On 30/01/12 15:44, Adrian Ives wrote:
>>> Does anyone know if there is a documented and reliable way of finding
>>> out the address address range that any version of SMSQ has been loaded into?
>> Um, no, sorry.
>>> Alternatively can anyone suggest a better way of performing the test?
>> Off the top of my head, I assume that the inbuilt routines in the "ROM" are 
>> still linked in in the same order as on the original QL ROM.
>> I assume that whatever is last in that list will be the last "resident" 
>> procedure/function in the name list. Could you not obtain that address (of 
>> whatever is last in the inbuilt list) and anything higher than that address 
>> is an extra?
>> It could work? Maybe? ;-)
> I imagine that any entries in the name list after the last one in SMSQ will 
> have to be LRSPRd ones. If so you wouldn't need the actual address of the 
> keyword's code.
> George
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