Lee Privett wrote, on 29/Feb/12 20:25 | Feb29:
Unfortunately any account with CPC-Farnell is not recognised with
'Farnell', they are treated as two separate companies which means
registering with Farnell separately if you wish to purchase.

they had sold out of Raspi when I managed to get through by phone :(

When I first got the cpc-farnell Pi page it had a link to "Add to basket" but it crashed soon afterwards. I rang them soon after they opened for telephone sales, and they accepted my order with credit card. The website was down until well after midday. When the site recovered, the *same* cpc-farnell page only had a form to express interest.

I am pretty sure there is effectively only *one* contact point, and the appearance of the form was simply that their initial stock, probably 5000 (ie 50% of the initial run), was sold out. The 'interest' form was on RS very very early, so I suspect they sold out quickly due to the Farnell web issue.
I bet Farnell will invest in better IT systems soon!


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