Login as "raspberry" user I think root is disabled.
Also load the latest Image then do an apt-get update  on it as it cleans up a 
load of stuff.

John Alexander
--- On Tue, 3/7/12, Stephen Usher <st...@lingula.org.uk> wrote:

From: Stephen Usher <st...@lingula.org.uk>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Rasberry Pi arrived
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Date: Tuesday, 3 July, 2012, 15:00

On 03/07/2012 14:15, Tony Firshman wrote:
> Stephen Usher wrote, on 3/Jul/12 12:48 | Jul3:
>> On 24/06/2012 16:17, Tony Firshman wrote:
>>> The Pi powers off a USB socket and outputs video via an HDMI socket.
>>> Both these should be on modern LCD TVs.
>>> That is why they did it this way I am sure.
>> Tony, actually, the power supply port was designed for Nokia chargers
>> and requires a great deal more power than USB's standard 500mA allows,
>> so you can't power it directly from a normal USB port.
> Yes in theory at 700ma plus usb devices, but
> http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=6050 finds 210ma
> max.
> It works fine on all USB sockets I have used. I suspect though that my
> monitor allows more than 500ma. I wonder whether it has the
> 'intelligence' to complain (8-)#
> My M/C helmet, BT keyboard charger and Apple chargers will also do.


> The GPIO header looks great. Other that power and ground it looks
> user-definable. I must see if I can get the QL I2C devices working. I
> presume drivers do not yet exist.

I'm sure I saw a project (posted via Raspberry Pi twitter feed) of an 
I2C project.

> Also an LCD monitor (via ribbon to the motherboard) would open the way
> for long lasting battery powered units.
> At present it is not possible to ssh in - 'connection refused' - and
> sshd is running. Where do I investigate I wonder?

Look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

You may have to create a new user account or allow root logins as well.

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