Am 24.11.2012 um 08:38 schrieb Wolfgang Lenerz <>:
> this is just to let you know that the SMSQE licence will be changed.
> From the SMSQE licence, we will move towards a (new) BSD style licence, which 
> essentially means that anyone can do with the source code anything he likes, 
> and also distribute the compiled code.

Morning all,
that's great news. One decade after the source code got public, two years after 
you helped me (in Vienna) to make it possible to assemble it on my QPC2 
environment, exactly one year after I discussed this at Jochens home this is 
one of the most important things the QL community needed for ages. One other 
very important thing would be to able to make smsqe.bin for QPC2, an issue 
which I've been discussing with both Marcel and Jochen several times. Let's 
hope that such a quantum leap will not take another decade, otherwise there's 
most likely no one there which is interested in it anymore. ;-)

QL forever!

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