I just downloaded QLAY and tried it on my Lubuntu 12.4 system. I'm getting the same odd error that the user reported.

I made sure that the file was executable, so I did a 'chmod 777 QLAY'. When I did './QLAY', I got the same "no sure file or directory." The command 'strace ./QLAY' did not show much. Basically, an execve call was made and it returned ENOENT, which is the same as "no such file or directory". There was an llseek system call that returned ESPIPE or "Illegal seek".

I've never seen Linux or Unix not find a file like that. The file system can see the file. I can chmod the file. I can cat the file. I can rename the file, but trying to execute it, the file can't be found.

One suggestion is that the user download the source code and see if he can build it himself. I just tried it and had a number of compiler errors. If the user is not a C person, he may not get it to compile. Has anyone successfully compiled QLAY lately? The source code was last touched in 1999, so it might be a little rusty.

Another option is for the user to try the DOS version using DOSBOX on Linux. DOSBOX is great for running old DOS software. I've run stuff that was created in 1986 and it ran fine.

Tim Swenson
QL-Users Mailing List

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