Hi all,
I've put up a new version of SMSQmulator, even though the version
numbering hasn't changed.
In this version:
BMP.OBJ works.
SQreview works but when pictures are loaded as "pic", the colours are
wrong (they are ok in 64 or 16 mode).
Prowess works, but the Prowess loader doesn't.
Normally prowess uses a special loader.
I use the following procedure, knowing that all things prowess are in a
directory called "dev1_prowess_", the config files are in a directory
"dev1_prowess_mine", prowess itself is in a dir "dev1_prowess_pw" and
proforma in a dir "prowess_pf".
If you use other dirs, adjust the program to suit
100 DEFine PROCedure p
110 :
120 REMark Set the directory all prowess things are in.
130 prowess_dir$="dev1_prowess_"
140 :
150 REMark First set environment variable
160 PRINT "Setting variable...";
170 EX prowess_dir$&"prg_setenv";"PWSDIR "&prowess_dir$
180 PAUSE 100
190 PRINT " -- done"
200 :
210 REMark start proforma and wait until it's loaded
220 PRINT "Starting Proforma...";
230 EX prowess_dir$&"pf_PROforma";prowess_dir$&"mine"
240 PAUSE 100
250 PRINT " -- done"
260 :
270 REMark start prowess and wait until it's loaded
280 PRINT "Starting Prowess...";
290 EX prowess_dir$&"pw_ProWesS";prowess_dir$&"mine"
300 PAUSE 100
310 PRINT " -- done"
320 PRINT "----- ALL DONE -----"
330 END DEFine p
340 :
With this my prowess progs, and also Linedesign work.
You can get this small boot prog into SMSQmulator with the JVASGET
command, which gets things from the systems clipboard into the SCRAP
things (see the manual).
The fact that the prowess loader program doesn't work seems to indicate
an error in the emulation core itself somewhere.
As this loader program seems to be a C program, finding the error will
not be trivial. Since I can load Prowess "my" way, this is not so high
on the list of priorities right now...
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