Morning Tony,

On 20/03/13 08:26, Tony Firshman wrote:

Am I missing something here?
Probably not.

Any software under any system, be it Windows, Linux or Mac, can print to

True these days. However, would you want to set up a magazine in Notepad for example?

When I did my tests a while back, I used a number of different systems to generate a PDF - Libre Office (or Open Office as it was then) which is simple enough, but has Image problems. (Getting the damned things to sit correctly and sorting out the flow! Amongst others.)

Scribus was the best utility I used. It has a decent enough interface and work flow for something as simple as QL Today format, it is best probably because it is a Desktop Publishing system.

Templates are useful - and both Libre Office and Scribus can use these. I think Word can also?

The problem with a lot of "print to pdf" utilities is size. QStripper, for example, outputs a Quill doc in pdf format. When I first introduced it, it printed bitmap pages - which are huge. I soon sorted that to print proper non-bitmap pages. The resulting files are far smaller.

Scribus, by it's very nature does the latter. And the quality settings can be adjusted to give smaller but poorer quality files or larger high quality ones.

Just my £0.02.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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