Hi Tony,

On 20/03/13 12:15, Tony Firshman wrote:

No no no - I mean no no no to using Word to design the document (8-)#
I inherited the design of a  magazine originally in Word.  I struggled
for a year or so.  I then converted to M$ Publisher, and halved the
compilation time.  It was also a far better resulting publication.
Proper tool for the job! Always best. My wife uses my knives to open tins that the tin opener has managed to leave closed. Aaaragh!

He he not notepad.
:-) I was being slightly less than serious! I have to admit.

I am very familiar with Microsoft Publisher, and the PDFs I produce from
that are pixel perfect.  One can adjust the resultant pdf size easily.
It was just that if anyone was to take on the task, then it would be far
far better if they used a design package they were familiar with.
Ditto me and Scribus. So I agree, use the tool you are most familiar with - as Jochen did when he was publishing QL Today.


Norman Dunbar
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