Dilwyn Jones wrote:
>>> Does it contain this feature (background drawing), too?
>> Yes, it does. Can't say whether it fully works, however, I normally use 
>> SMSQ/E instead of the plain QL stuff.
> Remember, though, that this version doesn't work across all QL ROM 
> versions - Minerva being required to make full use of all facilities and
> absolute minimum JS ROM to work at all - it doesn't work properly on AH, JM
> etc.

Ah, you remember that better than me! :-)

The reason is that while previous PEs were completely separate from
SMSQ/E's PE, my latest release shares 95% of the code. SMSQ/E's code
relies on the sd_linel variable in the CON channel definition block,
which is only defined from JS onwards. Unfortunately the space where
it's located at is used differently on JM+AH, so it's impossible to
use the same code there.

To the reason why only Minerva got background updating I can only
speculate, it was too long ago, but I guess that the QDOS CON driver
probably does not use the sd_scrb variable consequently enough (back
then it was never anything other than $20000 anyway), which is also
necessary for background updating.


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