On 21 Mar 2013, at 11:48, Norman Dunbar wrote:

>> It always surprises me how many different ways people use their QLs. This 
>> shows up for example in differing BOOTs. It would certainly interest me to 
>> have QL users describe their own BOOT programs.
> How interesting! I have always been of the opposite view. Boot files are 
> about as boring as you can get - to my mind - but, with a little thought, I 
> can see where you are coming from.
> The boot file is obviously set up to help (or in my case, probably hinder) 
> efficient use of the QL.
> My own boot file is basically the following:
> Enable TK2.
> Prog and data_use set to win1_.
> Lrespr Qpac2, DJToolkit, Turbo Toolkit, QMON2, Liberator Run-times and QD.
> WTV 4
> Hot Pick for SuperBasic on key b.
> Hot wake for QPAC2 utilities on assorted keys:
> P Pick
> R Rjob
> F Files
> X Exec
> Z Wake
> Q QD
> Runs the clock in the button frame.
> Move along everyone, there's nothing to see here! :-)

Well well! Quite a lot for me to learn here. Would make an interesting article 
for me at any rate.

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