>> Well well! Quite a lot for me to learn here. Would make an interesting
>> article for me at any rate.
>> George
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> For those of us with lower skill levels, or 'less remembering' like myself
> and a few of the older QLers, :)  conversations and comparisons of boot
> files open up a lot of opportunities to do things that we otherwise might
> not know we could do, or think to do.
> Mine simply loads TK2, then changes iNK and PAPER colors to white/black to
> increase contrast on my very poor monitor. As its dying act before removing
> itself, it simply states some system information: the current time, ROM
> version, speed factor, free_mem etc.

This is the beauty of QL boot programs - you can do just about anything with 
them to suit how to use your QL. Since S*BASIC ( = Superbasic or Sbasic) is the 
scripting language on a QL, anyone with a moderate understanding of it can 
potentially create their own "environment".

If you use pointer environment, just about the simplest BOOT program would be:

100 TK2_EXT : REMark ensure Toolkit 2 active
110 LRESPR flp1_ptr_gen
120 LRESPR flp1_wman
130 LRESPR flp1_hot_rext
140 HOT_GO : REMark enable hotkeys job

And you can build on it from there by adding your own toolkits and so on. Both 
QL Today and Quanta have published 'My Boot' articles over the years and there 
are one or two such articles on my website. There's an index to QL Today on my 
website http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/gen/qltoday/qltoday%20index%20vol%201-16.pdf  
and using that, if you have the QL Today disk with their back issues on them as 
PDFs you can catch up on any of these articles.

I also wrote an article on the subject in Quanta mag, Feb/March 2010 (volume 27 
issue 1). I could always put this on my website if anyone is sufficiently 

Indeed, if there is interest and time available (the latter as ever is the big 
IF), I could compile the Helplines from my period on the committee to put on 
Quanta website (will need to check with our webmaster if there is likely to be 
plenty of space available on the new website).

Dilwyn Jones
QL-Users Mailing List

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