On 21/03/13 10:58, George Gwilt wrote:

It always surprises me how many different ways people use their QLs. This shows 
up for example in differing BOOTs. It would certainly interest me to have QL 
users describe their own BOOT programs.

How interesting! I have always been of the opposite view. Boot files are about as boring as you can get - to my mind - but, with a little thought, I can see where you are coming from.

The boot file is obviously set up to help (or in my case, probably hinder) efficient use of the QL.

My own boot file is basically the following:

Enable TK2.
Prog and data_use set to win1_.
Lrespr Qpac2, DJToolkit, Turbo Toolkit, QMON2, Liberator Run-times and QD.

Hot Pick for SuperBasic on key b.
Hot wake for QPAC2 utilities on assorted keys:

P Pick
R Rjob
F Files
X Exec
Z Wake

Runs the clock in the button frame.

Move along everyone, there's nothing to see here! :-)


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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West Yorkshire
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