Op Tue, 26 Mar 2013 09:51:59 +0100 schreef Wolfgang Lenerz <w...@wlenerz.com>:

Hi all,

thanks to Marcel Kilgus, there are a certain number of bug fixes to SMSQE.
V. 3.15 is on the web site.



* You can now also download all binaries (except for QPC).

* This new version also includes a 256 colours version for the GoldCard.

* It also includes ptr_gen and wman (in the binaries) for non smsqe systems. I haven(t been able to test these!

I just tried the new QXL version but M$DOS(W98) on old my PC claims the program is too big for the memory. The old v3.13 is running fine from M$DOS and was used to configure this v3.15.

What is the difference between the Aurora, GoldCard & GoldCard_256colours .bins?
SMSQ_GOLD v3.13 was just one version for all, low & high colour.


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