Op Tue, 02 Apr 2013 17:21:23 +0200 schreef Wolfgang Lenerz <w...@wlenerz.com>:


I just tried the new QXL version but M$DOS(W98) on old my PC claims the
program is too big for the memory.
The old v3.13 is running fine from M$DOS and was used to configure this

What exactly is the error? How much memory does the computer have?

The message is in Dutch but translates to:
"The program is to big for the memory"
I just migrated the QXL card from a W$311/486 machine to a W$98/586 machine.
The memory is 32MiB, no other software is running, just DOS7.

A related problem may be that I cannot configure the "PC IO Port Address of QXL card". This item refuses to be selected in MenuConfig, the QXL.win drives can be configured.

Plain Config reports No Config items at all!
The proper QXL.DAT is present in the root of C:.
As I said, SMSQ313 is reconfigured and running OK.

What is the difference between the Aurora, GoldCard &
GoldCard_256colours .bins?

The normal goldcard doesn't contain 256 colours drivers, the ...8 does contain them, aurora is for the aurora card.

Still confusing.
I had the same v3.13 running on QL/SGC and Aur/SGC, only configured differently.


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