This sounds really good Wolfgang, excellent work.
On 18 May 2013 09:15, "Wolfgang Lenerz" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> SMSQ/E 3.16 is out.
> It contains Marcel's bug fix for the AURORA COLOUR_NATIVE command.
> There is also a new window move mode : move with transparency.
> (This is an extract of the display_txt file in the extras_new directory:)
> a - New move mode
> ------------------
> The WM_MOVEMODE keyword has been extended to accept a new move mode:
> WM_MOVEMODE 3 : the "full window with transparency" move
> The window to be moved is made "transparent" : one can "see through" it.
> This is done via "alpha blending". Alpha blending requires A LOT of
> computing power. So, even if your machine can theoretically handle this
> type of move, in practice it might not be feasible. I don't believe, for
> example, that the QXL can handle it
> For Q40/Q60 users, switching on the Cache is advisable...
> This type of move is only implemented for display modes where alpha
> blending actually makes sense, i.e. modes 16, 32 and 33. In other display
> modes, such as the QL screen modes, or Atari mono modes, this will be
> redirected to move mode 2.
> Please note that you cannot use this move mode with anything but the mouse
> - the keyboard (cursor keys) will not work.
> b - Configuring/setting the move mode
> ------------------------------**-------
> The move modes are configured on a system-wide basis - you cannot have
> onejob moving in mode 0 and the other in mode 1.
> Thus, all jobs are affected by the move mode, even those written a long
> time ago (unless, such as Qlib, the job doesn't use the WMAN move routine).
> The move mode can be changed in two ways:
> 1 - Configure SMSQ/E  (WMAN) to a mode of your liking.
> 2 - Use the new WM_MOVEMODE keyword
> This takes one parameter, an integer from 0 to 3:
> WM_MOVEMODE 0 : the old way
> WM_MOVEMODE 1 : the "outline" move
> WM_MOVEMODE 2 : the "full window" move
> WM_MOVEMODE 3 : the "full window with transparency" move
> c - Configuring/setting the degree of transparency : WM_MOVEALPHA
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**------
> You can set how transparent the window is supposed to be when being moved,
> from nearly totally transparent to totally opaque. This is done by setting
> the "alpha value", from 1 (nearly transparent) to 255 (totally opaque).
> The alpha value is configured on a system-wide basis - you cannot have one
> job moving with an alpha value of 100 and the other with 200.
> Thus, all jobs are affected by this, even those written a long time
> ago (unless, such as Qlib, the job doesn't use the WMAN move routine).
> The alpha value can be changed in two ways:
> 1 - Configure SMSQ/E  (WMAN) to a value of your liking.
> 2 - Use the new WM_MOVEALPHA keyword
> WM_MOVEALPHA : this new keyword defines the amount of transparency the
> window should have when moved about, from 1 (nearly transparent) to 255
> (totally opaque).
> Please note that
> 1) no check is made on the value passed to this keyword, but only the
> lower byte is used.
> 2) a value of 255 is actually equivalent to move mode 2.
> 3) a value of 0 is allowed but, since this would make the window to be
> moved totally transparent when it is moved (i.e. you would only ever see
> the background) this is considered to be an error and a value of 255 will
> be used!
> 4) alpha blending requires a lot of computing power - it may be too slow
> on your machine.
> .
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