Malcolm, using the W5300 is really easy since it is a TCP stack and
not an ethernet interface. Essentially you write high level command
bytes to the command register (e.g. "open", "close", "send") and
read/write data from/to the w5300 memory buffers. The w3500 takes care
of all the rest.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Malcolm Lear <> wrote:
> I'd agree the physical package should be fine, I've even hand soldered those
> without problems. If the Wiznet really has a socket level interface I'd
> seriously consider it. I'd have thought just about all the QL's resources
> would be used up doing what the W5300 co-processor does and may be a reason
> an ethernet interface hasn't appeared before. Although the code argument is
> persuasive is it not true that a large part of that codes functionality
> would be performed by the W5300.
> On 15/04/2014 15:09, Dave Park wrote:
>> Yes, Malcolm, the interface is at the socket level.
>> Both of the devices have some pros and cons. I am still open to
>> suggestions
>> for other options.
>> One thing I am not concerned about is the pitch and number of pins on the
>> WS5300 or any other device. I don't hand solder SMD boards. I use a solder
>> mask to apply paste, position the devices then flow them in an oven. I
>> have
>> done a fair amount of QFP100 and 1mm BGA work with no problems.
>> Although the WS5300 is technically superior as a device (it is more
>> modern,
>> it acts as an ethernet co-processor) the work that has already been done
>> with the CS8900A is very important. Without the work being done on
>> drivers,
>> extensions for languages, etc, it doesn't matter how fly the device is.
>> The
>> CS8900A has some support already.
>> Peter, could you outline what is available for the CS8900A, please?
>> This is why I have opened up the discussion. I dread these discussions :)
>> but I am sat here with two equally good choices for two very different
>> reasons. The WS5300 is a very persuasive CHIP, and the CS8900A has some
>> very persuasive CODE. Since CODE is such a big problem...
>> If the CS8900A is chosen, we'll have a less capable or future-proof device
>> that has much work already done. If we choose the WS5300, it maybe has an
>> extra ten years of useful life but we have to start from scratch with
>> supporting code.
>> That's the balance.
>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 3:48 AM, Malcolm Lear <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would think the most important criteria would be to choose a solution
>>> that reduces the software load on 68K. It seems after a brief look at the
>>> data sheets that the W5300's interface is at socket level, is that right?
>>> Malcolm
>>> On 14/04/2014 22:39, Dave Park wrote:
>>>> I have been presented with two good contenders for an ethernet solution
>>>> for
>>>> the QL. There might be others; I am open to suggestions and may add more
>>>> to
>>>> the list.
>>>> I would like there to be a *polite, friendly, respectful,
>>>> constructive*debate about the relative merits of the two devices. Once
>>>> you have
>>>> expressed a view, that's enough. No need to restate it, unless you add
>>>> something further. It is very important that discourse be *focused
>>>> entirely*on solving the problem of getting ethernet onto the QL.
>>>> Please read the data sheets and form an opinion about which would
>>>> perform
>>>> better on a QL at 7.5MHz or a SGC system at 25 MHz. There is already a
>>>> TCP
>>>> stack in existence; whether you wish to use it or not is a matter for
>>>> you
>>>> -
>>>> one of the chips is a microcontroller that has its own stack.
>>>> Here are the contenders:
>>>> Wiznet WS5300
>>>> ... _V128E.pdf
>>>> versus
>>>> Cirrus Logic CS8900
>>>> ... 00A_F5.pdf
>>>> If there is a clear consensus, I will assemble some functional prototype
>>>> boards using the favored device, then send boards and documentation out
>>>> to
>>>> a limited number of people who express an interest in doing development
>>>> work with them.
>>>> There would be some gentle conditions:
>>>> 1. You'd join a developer mailing list and report occasionally on
>>>> progress
>>>> you'd made to the other three people and me. Others could join the list
>>>> to
>>>> provide feedback, etc. The list would allow you to self-co-ordinate your
>>>> efforts within the group. I would not be the boss of you. I would not
>>>> own
>>>> your work. There is no schedule or deadline.
>>>> 2. Anything you do, once reaching a state of development greater than
>>>> "alpha", would be open source and freely distributable. A GIT repository
>>>> or
>>>> similar would be nice.
>>>> 3. I would, upon release, host information and downloads at
>>>> so people can explore the code or develop it further.
>>>> If anyone develops anything to a point that it becomes possible to add
>>>> ethernet to a future board, or standalone, I would work out a way to
>>>> produce them for the community. If not, you can keep the card as a
>>>> curio/plaything/collectible, or send it to someone else who has shown an
>>>> interest.
>>>> So, let's begin, shall we?
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