That device, while cheap, has no 5v tolerance. The level translation, while
simple to do, is relatively expensive in terms of components + board space.
In the end, it erases most of the cost benefit. Also, it doesn't fit within
the package profile of how UltimIDE and UltraQ will pair together to just
have this extra board and connector sticking out somewhere. The components
and socket would need to be integrated into the form factor.

I do appreciate the thought, and for most other uses this would be the
right choice. It just doesn't work for this specific application. It's hard
to set out all the parameters that put boundaries on this up front, because
if I explained every design goal and restriction and 'desired element'
there really wouldn't be any choices left. Whatever is chosen, there will
be some compromises and some people will be unhappy. I can just try to make
an informed decision. In this case, an informed decision is the decision
that most gives prospect of a usable QL ethernet system.


On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 5:13 PM, John Alexander

> Could save a lot of dev effort and choose any one of the  following
> arduino+ethernet&_sop=2
> Then your contribution is the base board to interface the Ethernet  board
> to the QL. Idea been start from a cheap known good solution testable on
> another platform
> then work back to the QL with minimum outlay in dev gear
> On 15/04/14 22:45, Dave Park wrote:
>> Please add the CP2200 to the list of devices under consideration.
>> I did just look it up and it is comparable in features to the CS8900A.
>> With
>> a brief search, I might be able to buy CS2200-based ethernet cards and
>> harvest all the components needed off them quite economically, for
>> example.
>> I am a little disheartened that ethernet on the Qx0 is not used by any
>> QDOSMSQ* versions.
>> Dave
>> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Graeme Gregory <>
>> wrote:
>>  On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 10:29:23PM +0200, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
>>>> Wiznet:
>>>> + TCP/IP included. Implementation of socket API for QL probably pretty
>>> easy.
>>>> + Reliefs slow 68008 main processor. But then I seriously question what
>>>>    original QL owners are going to do with this thing anyway.
>>>> - Only 4 parallel connections. That's 4 more than QLs usually have,
>>>>    but still not exactly many.
>>>> - IPv4 only with no way to upgrade if it is ever deemed necessary.
>>>> All in all I'd say a real Ethernet chip would be much more
>>>> future-proof... if you can get the software for it working.
>>>>  Of course the W5300 is also a proper ethernet chip as well, linux has
>>> a driver for it not using the internal stack!
>>> G
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